Anxiety, Depression, Faith, healing, Love, Relationships, Trauma, Uncategorized

Hope for the holidays.

I have been so excited about my upcoming vacation. I have no plans, which I thought was exactly what I wanted. I have already mentally checked out at work and I sit here at my desk pondering all the things I can do if I want to. It’s almost Christmas. Everyday that brings me closer… Continue reading Hope for the holidays.

Depression, Faith, healing, Love, Relationships, Trauma

Get out of your way!

“The longer you entertain what’s not for you, the longer you postpone what is.”  That hit me. I wonder where I would be with my life right now, had I not held on so long to the things not meant for me. I wholeheartedly believe in God’s perfect timing, but I also believe that I… Continue reading Get out of your way!

Faith, healing, Love, Relationships

Learning to wait.

Today, like most mornings, I sipped my coffee while scrolling through social media, until I came across my “Facebook Memories”. Of course, I have to peek at them and spend a few moments reminiscing. Some days, these memories make me smile, and others, honestly, they sting a little. But even on days when there’s a… Continue reading Learning to wait.

Faith, healing, Love, Relationships

I gave up drinking for Lent. Here’s what happened…

I have told myself I would quit drinking many times. The night I went to jail, I was done. The night I broke my collarbone, the night I was sexually assaulted, the night I threw a glass into a cement wall outside of a bar and all the mornings I woke up naked, on the… Continue reading I gave up drinking for Lent. Here’s what happened…

Anxiety, Depression, Faith, healing, Love, Relationships, Trauma

Approval seeking was slowly killing me.

It has been a really long time since I’ve felt authentic. I was slapped in the face with the realization that too many of my human interactions involve seeking approval or validation from other people. So many people have told me, more than once, that I care too much what other people think. I’ve always… Continue reading Approval seeking was slowly killing me.

Faith, healing, Love, Relationships

When you don’t know why.

Driving home from work, I suddenly grew emotional over the question…”why?” It brought me back to when my dad passed away, almost 20 years ago and I found myself stuck on that one word. WHY? It didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense and everything was unfair. I think after a few years, I just sort… Continue reading When you don’t know why.